PJMIF as a Primary Propulsion Driver for Project Icarus

This is the video of a talk given by Dr. Sava Patilala at the 62nd International Astronautical Congress, in Cape Town, South Africa in 2011. He discusses project Icarus, which is to get a vehicle to the sun from the earth. The project proposes to use PJMIF to power the engines. download the video

Fusion Energy Consortium™

Fusion Energy Consortium™

The Fusion Energy Consortium is a member sponsored U.S. IRS Title 26 501(c)(3) compliant LLC established as a foundation to stimulate the science, research, and development leading to practical controlled nuclear fusion energy. What is Fusion Energy? Fusion energy is a potentially unlimited source of energy capable of producing baseload power for the world’s electrical … Read more

Exploring lower cost pathways to economical fusion power

Exploring lower cost pathways to economical fusion power

Adjacent Open Access 04/08/17 By: Scott C. Hsu, Ph.D., Los Alamos National Laboratory Figure 1. Photo of the outer (top) and inner (bottom) electrodes of a (disassembled) coaxial plasma gun used to launch supersonic plasma jets in our fusion research. Photo courtesy of HyperV Technologies Corp. The cost of fusion energy development is a significant … Read more

Fusion Energy: 21st Century Moon Shot

Fusion Energy: 21st Century Moon Shot

By: Tom D. Tamarkin March 5, 2017 Introduction Mankind thrives on Earth today with a worldwide population of over 7 billion people. Fundamental to his existence is agriculture and energy. It takes massive amounts of energy to sustain agriculture. And it takes energy to produce and transport water for man and crops. Man has built … Read more

Fusion Energy; Too Important To Fail – Too Big To Hoard

Fusion Energy; Too Important To Fail – Too Big To Hoard

By: Tom D. Tamarkin Jan. 20, 2017 Proposal for privately funded fusion energy experimental science, R&D leading to commercialization Abstract The world will soon face an energy crisis of monumental proportions which many ignore. By 2050 we must significantly increase total energy production or face a need for worldwide redistribution of wealth and energy allocation … Read more

Tom Tamarkin’s Fusion Energy Vision

Tom Tamarkin’s Fusion Energy Vision

Members of Tom’s family for the last hundred years have had “science in their blood.” Tom’s great grandfather was Sir Thomas E. Thorpe, a very highly esteemed chemist in the U.K. From 1951 to 1968 Tom’s father, Thomas E. Thorpe, taught physics at West Phoenix High School (WPHS.) WPHS earned the reputation of having one … Read more

Fusion Paths not taken

the Last Tech Age 2014/12/30 Do magnetized plasma targets offer options for smaller, cheaper fusion power? In this part -2 of our Paths Not Followed series, we discuss 3 proposals that show promise of being fusion game changers. All consider manipulating blobs of plasma isolated from any coils that generate magnetic fields for confinement. All … Read more

Donald Trump

Donald Trump

2015 Letter to Donald Trump 2012 Letter to Donald Trump 2012 Letter to Mitt Romney 2015 Letter to Israeli PM Netanyahu Presentation Why Fusion is the only realistic solution Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial-Fusion (PJMIF) was originally conceived in the late 1990s by Dr. Y. C. Francis Thio at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), where he initiated … Read more

Adelson Letter

July 8, 2015 Mr. Sheldon & Dr. Mariam Adelson Las Vegas Sands Corporation 3355 South Las Vegas Boulevard Las Vegas, Nevada 90109 Ref: Restoring America’s greatness through proper energy policy with Israel’s involvement; Presentation for Mr. & Dr, Adelson: https://fusion4freedom.com/adelson-invitation/ Dear Mr. & Dr. Adelson: I am writing about a matter of profound importance to … Read more