Discovered: A quick and easy way to shut down instabilities in fusion devices

Discovered: A quick and easy way to shut down instabilities in fusion devices

Eureka 18-AUG-2017 IMAGE: THIS IS PHYSICIST ERIC FREDRICKSON, LEAD AUTHOR OF THE PAPER, IN THE NSTX-U CONTROL ROOM. CREDIT: ELLE STARKMAN/PPPL OFFICE OF COMMUNICATIONS Scientists have discovered a remarkably simple way to suppress a common instability that can halt fusion reactions and damage the walls of reactors built to create a “star in a jar.” … Read more

Interview with Richard Dinan from Applied Fusion Systems

Interview with Richard Dinan from Applied Fusion Systems

Nuclear Focus Applied Fusion Systems recently released a video to explain Nuclear Fusion and encourage investors to fund their project. Additionally, Applied Fusion Systems’ CEO, Richard Dinan has written a book: ‘The Fusion Age: Modern Nuclear Fusion Reactors’ to explain to investors how the planned reactors will work and why they should back fusion. Question: … Read more



NPRE Illinois Jul 17, 2017 Fresh from his year in France as a Fulbright Grantee working on the ITER project, one of the most ambitious energy projects in the world today, Matthew Parsons has been awarded a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship to support his PhD work in Nuclear, Plasma, and Radiological Engineering at … Read more

Exploring lower cost pathways to economical fusion power

Exploring lower cost pathways to economical fusion power

Adjacent Open Access 04/08/17 By: Scott C. Hsu, Ph.D., Los Alamos National Laboratory Figure 1. Photo of the outer (top) and inner (bottom) electrodes of a (disassembled) coaxial plasma gun used to launch supersonic plasma jets in our fusion research. Photo courtesy of HyperV Technologies Corp. The cost of fusion energy development is a significant … Read more

Fusion-fission hybrids: nuclear shortcut or pipe dream?

Fusion-fission hybrids: nuclear shortcut or pipe dream? BY CHRIS LO ON AUG 7 2017 While nuclear fusion’s key milestones remain elusive, could fusion-fission hybrid reactors represent the best of both worlds? Start-up Apollo Fusion aims to make this complex concept a commercial reality, but formidable obstacles remain. With waste and safety concerns holding back global nuclear uptake, there is increased attention … Read more

Simulations Show How Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence

Simulations Show How Recycled Atoms Boost Plasma Turbulence

nersc AUGUST 7, 2017 Contact: Kathy Kincade,, +1 510 495 2124 XGC1 Gyrokinetic Particle Code Opens New Doors in Fusion Research Plasma density fluctuation in a tokamak plasma turbulence driven by ion temperature gradient. The green line shows the magnetic separatrix surface that contains the edge plasma pedestal within a few centimeters from it. … Read more

Metal cloud to protect fusion reactor walls

Metal cloud to protect fusion reactor walls August 7, 2017 A thin vapour cloud in front of a liquid metal may be the solution to protecting the reactor walls of future fusion power plants to the extreme heat fluxes encountered. In Nature Communications, PhD candidate Stein van Eden and colleagues at DIFFER and Ghent University presents measurements of a vapour cloud … Read more

How to keep superhot plasma from chirping

How to keep superhot plasma from chirping

Quest 2017 Graduate student Vinícius Duarte. (Photo by Elle Starkman/ PPPL) “Chirp, chirp, chirp.” The familiar sound of birds is also what researchers call a wave in plasma that breaks from a single note into rapidly changing notes. This behavior, which often has frequencies far above what the human ear can hear, can cause heat … Read more

Let’s build the big lid of the Tokamak bioshield

Let’s build the big lid of the Tokamak bioshield

Fusion for Energy 03 August 2017 The first beam of the temporary lid has been installed at level L1. Work performed by Martifer, subcontractor of VFR consortium, Tokamak Complex, ITER construction site, August 2017 © ITER IO One of the most visual elements of the ITER construction site is the bioshield of the Tokamak complex, … Read more