Post-Brexit business as usual at JET

Post-Brexit business as usual at JET

WNN 30 November 2016 “Nothing has changed” regarding the future for the UK’s Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE) and the Joint European Torus (JET), centre head Ian Chapman said today. CCFE head Ian Chapman in the control room at JET (Image: CCFE) The CCFE is the UK’s national laboratory for fusion research based at … Read more

UK nuclear fusion lab faces uncertain future

UK nuclear fusion lab faces uncertain future

BBC 29 November 2016 JET holds the record for the longest sustained nuclear fusion reaction A question mark hangs over a world-leading laboratory that has pioneered research into fusion for nearly 40 years. The Culham Centre for Fusion Energy near Oxford is largely funded by the EU and dozens of its scientists come from outside … Read more

Fusion energy: A time of transition and potential

Fusion energy: A time of transition and potential

The Conversation November 29, 2016 The plasma inside a fusion reactor. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory For centuries, humans have dreamed of harnessing the power of the sun to energize our lives here on Earth. But we want to go beyond collecting solar energy, and one day generate our own from a mini-sun. If we’re able … Read more

Fusion reactor that employs liquid metal shower

Fusion reactor that employs liquid metal shower November 28, 2016 The magnetic field lines that confine a high-temperature plasma and the liquid metal shower divertors, as seen from above through a cross-section. Credit: Dr. Junichi Miyazawa /div> In a magnetic field confinement fusion reactor, we maintain the high-temperature plasma through the magnetic field lines by floating the plasma apart from a … Read more

Five stages of climate grief

Five stages of climate grief

By Paul Driessen November 27, 2016 President Trump could help – and force climate alarmists to answer questions they’ve ignored Ever since the elections, our media, schools, workplaces and houses of worship have presented stories showcasing the stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. Liberal-progressive snowflakes are wallowing in denial, anger and depression. … Read more

Opening futures with fusion energy

Opening futures with fusion energy

Eurofusion Alessandro Arlandini | October 19th 2016 EUROfusion aims to develop a reliable power source which can be used to produce energy from nuclear fusion. All efforts are concentrated on making the technology feasible for large-scale, economic electricity production. How can we really benefit from nuclear fusion and what are its advantages over other sources … Read more

Real-time collaboration delivers for fusion computing

Real-time collaboration delivers for fusion computing

CCFE 25/11/2016 A key computing system for the ITER international fusion device is now being trialled at JET following a collaboration by teams from CCFE, ITER Organization and Fusion for Energy. CODASAdam Stephen, CODAS project manager at Culham, teamed up with his counterparts Bertrand Bauvir and Andre Neto to integrate the ITER “Synchronous Databus Network” … Read more

Peter Thiel’s Other Hobby is Nuclear Fusion

Peter Thiel’s Other Hobby is Nuclear Fusion

Bloomberg Eric Roston | November 22, 2016 Venture Capitalists like the Trump stalwart are taking the lead in pursuing a clean energy silver bullet. U.S. President-elect Donald Trump has angered clean-energy proponents by making false statements about climate change and promising to expand fossil-fuel exploration—a policy that could further exacerbate the existential threat he’s claimed … Read more

A well-earned shutdown time for JET

A well-earned shutdown time for JET

Eurofusion 21st November 2016 JET is equipped with an ITER-like plasma facing wall, tungsten divertor and beryllium wall. As EUROfusion’s flagship device JET went into shutdown on November 15, 2016, for the current year, JET researchers and engineers marked the 2015-2016 experimental campaign as one of the most successful in the long history of JET. … Read more