TU/e scientists named ITER Scientist Fellow

TU/e scientists named ITER Scientist Fellow

TU/e 14 September 2016 Last week, two TU/e scientists, Federico Felici and Guido Huijsmans, have been named ITER Scientist Fellow. The ITER Scientist Fellows are willing to share and apply their expertise to solve some of ITER’s high priority research needs. ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, … Read more

The ITER Tokamak Complex rises

The ITER Tokamak Complex rises

Fusion for Energy 09 September 2016 View of the ITER construction site- Site Services building and Assembly Hall, August 2016, LNM (copyright) The impressive complex consisting of the Tokamak, Diagnostics and Tritium buildings is rising fast. The construction and reinforcement works of the floors, walls and ceilings are offering a rare view of the inner-core … Read more

PPPL and Princeton help lead a new center to understand and mitigate runaway electrons that pose a challenge for ITER

PPPL and Princeton help lead a new center to understand and mitigate runaway electrons that pose a challenge for ITER

PPPL By John Greenwald | August 22, 2016 Physicist Dylan Brennan (Photo by Elle Starkman/Office of Communications) Runaway electrons, a searing, laser-like beam of electric current released by plasma disruptions, could damage the interior walls of future tokamaks the size of ITER, the international fusion experiment under construction in France. To help overcome this challenge, … Read more

Iran yet to decide on nuclear fusion project, ITER chief says

Iran yet to decide on nuclear fusion project, ITER chief says

Reuters Jul 13, 2016 Model of the future experimental nuclear fusion reactor in Cadarache, north of Marseille, June 30, 2005. REUTERS/CHARLES PLATIAU/FILES Iran is assessing whether to apply for associate membership of the ITER multi-national nuclear fusion project, its director said on Wednesday, just a year after Tehran struck a deal with six world powers … Read more

EUROfusion works its six-pack for ITER

EUROfusion works its six-pack for ITER

Eurofusion June 27th 2016 If someone was definitely not in hibernation, it was EUROfusion during the past half year. In February, the three tokamaks JET, ASDEX Upgrade and TCV were running simultaneously, accompanied by the first experimental campaign of the shiny new Wendelstein 7-X device. Two more experiments, MAST-U and WEST, are also about to … Read more

Iran is cooperating in global nuclear fusion project ITER

Iran is cooperating in global nuclear fusion project ITER

HispanTV July 5, 2016 The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) cooperate in the global project to commercially produce energy by nuclear fusion, known as ITER. “It has been established increased cooperation and relations the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor project (ITER, its acronym in English) and Iranian scientists” , announced Tuesday AEOI spokesman, Behruz Kamalvandi. … Read more

A fieldtrip to ITER, a work-in-progress that will test fusion’s feasibility

A fieldtrip to ITER, a work-in-progress that will test fusion’s feasibility

Ars Technica by Dave Loschiavo – Jul 3, 2016 Foreground buildings: Contractors Canteen, Changing Rooms, Showers, etc. || Green, Yellow, and Red buildings: Contractors’ Offices || White Building: Canteen and Infirmary for Contractors || Tall building: Assembly Hall || To the right of the Assembly Hall and behind the other buildings: Cryostat Assembly Site Dave … Read more

The first girder in the ITER Assembly Hall has been lifted!

The first girder in the ITER Assembly Hall has been lifted!

Fusion for Energy 17 June 2016 The first girder installed on the roof of the ITER Assembly Hall. The engineers gathered early in the morning at ITER’s Assembly Hall in order to review once more the arrangements and tooling to be used for the lifting of the first girder of one of the two cranes … Read more

Endorsed: December 2025 for ITER First Plasma

Endorsed: December 2025 for ITER First Plasma

eurofusion.org 17th June 2016 ITER Flag. Image Source: ITER website. We aim to optimise the ITER Research Plan as much as possible. Tony Donné, EUROfusion Programme Manager, gives his views about the ITER council meeting. Donné visited General Fusion in 2015 and shares his opinion on the concept. Picture: EUROfusion Members of the ITER council … Read more