ITER-like WEST ready to go

ITER-like WEST ready to go

ITER 13 FEB, 2017 Imagine a space shuttle “landing” on—or rather flying very close to—the surface of the Sun. The heat load it would be exposed to would be in the range of 10 to 20 MW per square metre. Speaking to media representatives last week, Alain Bécoulet, the Director of the French Institute for … Read more

Tokamak is ready to test ITER’s internal components

Tokamak is ready to test ITER’s internal components December 16, 2016 View of the WEST vacuum chamber with its new configuration and the ITER prototypes of plasma-facing components lit by the technician. Credit: CEA/C. Roux/CEA Cadarache, 22 November 2016 On 14 December 2016, the WEST tokamak produced its first plasma, reflecting the success of the operations carried out since 2013 on the … Read more

New schedule agreed for Iter fusion project

New schedule agreed for Iter fusion project

World Nuclear News 21 November 2016 An updated schedule for the Iter fusion project has been approved by the Iter Council, which represents the countries taking part in the project. Under the new schedule, first plasma is now slated for 2025 and the start of deuterium-tritium operation is set for 2035. . The Iter site, … Read more

ITER Chief Welcomes Iran’s Membership in Nuclear Fusion Project

ITER Chief Welcomes Iran’s Membership in Nuclear Fusion Project

Farce News Nov 06, 2016 TEHRAN (FNA)- Director General of France’s International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Bernard Bigot voiced ITER’s full endorsement for Iran’s membership in the nuclear fusion project, and said both sides will benefit from the outcome of the project. “The cooperation will have win-win results for both sides,” Bigot said on Sunday. He … Read more

Iran, ITER sign confidentiality agreement

Iran, ITER sign confidentiality agreement

Tehran Times November 5, 2016 Iran’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi (L), ITER Director General Bernard Bigot (M), and Iran’s Vice President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari attend a signing ceremony on Saturday in Tehran. TEHRAN – Iran’s nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi and ITER Director General Bernard Bigot signed on Saturday a confidentiality … Read more

Metal Better Than Carbon for ITER Fusion Reactor, Award-Winning Study Confirms

Metal Better Than Carbon for ITER Fusion Reactor, Award-Winning Study Confirms

IAEA May Fawaz-Huber | Oct. 20, 2016 Sebastian Brezinsek receiving the IAEA’s 2016 Nuclear Fusion Journal Prize from Director General, Yukiya Amano ((Photo: Courtesy NIFS)) Metal, rather than carbon, is better suited as material for the inside wall of tokamaks — the experimental machines designed to harness fusion energy — according to the paper that … Read more

Iter transformer in place as materials tests continue

Iter transformer in place as materials tests continue

WNN 11 October 2016 The first of Iter’s three Chinese-supplied transformers (Image: Iter) As the first of three Chinese-supplied electrical transformers is installed at the Iter fusion project in France, researchers in the Netherlands are testing the resistance to neutron radiation of materials that will shield the fusion reactor’s core. Dutch radioisotope producer NRG announced … Read more

Iter : delivery of the first parts of the reactor scheduled by 2018 according to Bernard Bigot

Iter : delivery of the first parts of the reactor scheduled by 2018 according to Bernard Bigot october 6, 2016 AFP The construction of ITER in the south-east of France, “advance” after experiencing significant delays, and delivery of the first parts of the reactor is planned in 2018, said Thursday the Director General of ITER Organization Bertrand Bigot. This project, which aims to harness nuclear fusion, “advance” and “urges all technologies … Read more

Provence Region pledges an extra 43 M€ to ITER

Provence Region pledges an extra 43 M€ to ITER

Iter 19 SEP, 2016 In the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region (PACA)—the administrative territory that spans from the Italian border to the Rhône river valley, and from the Mediterranean shores to the Alpine summits south of Grenoble—the dream of hosting ITER dates back to the mid-1990s. Back in 2001, the local governments around ITER pledged a total … Read more