Multi-scale simulations solve a plasma turbulence mystery

Multi-scale simulations solve a plasma turbulence mystery March 7, 2016 Image of the inside of MIT’s Alcator C-Mod tokamak, with a representative cross-section of a plasma. The inset shows the approximate domain for one of the multi-scale simulations and a graphic of the plasma turbulence in the multi-scale simulation. Credit: Nathan Howard, MIT Cutting-edge simulations run at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s … Read more

Plasma physicist discusses the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator

Plasma physicist discusses the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator February 5, 2016 by Peter Hergersberg Thomas Klinger, director at the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in front of the 725-ton-heavy plasma container for the nuclear fusion experiment Wendelstein 7-X located in Greifswald. Credit: Stefan Sauer Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) produced the first helium plasma in the … Read more

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Summer University for Plasma Physics and Fusion Research

IPP Beginning: 2016-09-19 End: 2016-09-23 Location: Greifswald Contact: Programme The course covers the main aspects of plasma physics with emphasis on nuclear fusion: basics of plasma physics and nuclear fusion kinetic and magneto-hydrodynamic description of a plasma concepts and experimental results of tokamak and stellarator configurations plasma heating and diagnostics plasma-wall interaction and materials … Read more

Bill Gates: World will deliver ‘clean energy breakthrough’ within 15 years

Bill Gates: World will deliver ‘clean energy breakthrough’ within 15 years

Guardian James Murray Feb. 24, 2016 Tech billionaire predicts innovation will deliver the clean energy the world desperately needs, but only if young people, businesses, and governments step up to the plate, reports Business Green Bill Gates says the goal has to be zero emission power – cutting emissions isn’t enough. Photograph: Shannon Stapleton/Reuters Bill … Read more

Is nuclear fusion the way forward?

Is nuclear fusion the way forward?

Palatinate By Tom Mander FEB 26, 2016 Burning fossil fuels is still a hot topic—no surprises there. “Be carbon free by… Cut emissions by… Keep the temperature rise under…” The rhetoric, like the pollution, lingers. However, recent developments in physics research centres worldwide offer new solutions and new hopes. China and Germany have grabbed headlines … Read more

Tokamak data mirror for JET and MAST data – moving towards an open data repository for European nuclear fusion research

Tokamak data mirror for JET and MAST data – moving towards an open data repository for European nuclear fusion research

EUDat Overview of the pilot Our data pilot will provide a mirror of experimental data from two magnetic confinement nuclear fusion devices (Tokamaks) at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE): the Joint European Torus (JET) and the Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST). The research community will be plasma physics and fusion researchers, engineers and … Read more

Canadian start-ups look to reimagined nuclear power to replace fossil fuels

Canadian start-ups look to reimagined nuclear power to replace fossil fuels

National Observer Feb. 22, 2016 As the race to replace fossil fuels heats up, a few Canadian startups are betting on the nuclear option. “We need a game-changing energy innovation,” Simon Irish, chief executive of Oakville, Ont.,-based Terrestrial Energy, said in a recent interview. Renewable power like wind and solar aren’t able to meet the … Read more

Nuclear fusion comes two steps closer

Nuclear fusion comes two steps closer

The World Weekly Aristos Georgiou, 11 February 2016 The interior of the Chinese East Tokamak The quest to produce a working nuclear fusion reactor has been the dream of scientists for decades, however, progress has been painfully slow. Within just a few days though, news of two major breakthroughs in the technology has emerged. A … Read more

Fusion: “We’re So Close We Can Taste It”

Fusion: “We’re So Close We Can Taste It”

How we get to next Ian Steadman Feb. 16, 2016 Atomic Energy Authority head Steve Cowley talks tokamaks, tritium, and the tantalizing prospect of enough power for a billion years How close are we to stealing starlight for ourselves? Earlier this month, for the first time ever German scientists at the Max Planck Institute heated … Read more