Tri Alpha Energy takes small step toward huge goal of fusion reactor

Tri Alpha Energy takes small step toward huge goal of fusion reactor

Orange County Register Sept. 8, 2015 By AARON ORLOWSKI Michl Binderbauer, vice president, left, and Toshiki Tajima, chief science officer, show how they say their company has advanced one small step closer to building a machine that would create a near-limitless supply of energy in the same way that the sun does: by fusing the … Read more

‘Renegade’ UK physicists say they’re on fast track to nuclear fusion

‘Renegade’ UK physicists say they’re on fast track to nuclear fusion

RTCC By Alex Pashley 9 September 2015 Venture capitalists take on establishment with experimental device, but are optimistic time frames damaging race? CEO David Kingham with stage two device of Tokamak’s bid to claim fusion energy. (Credit: AlexPashley) Doughnut-shaped and like a cored apple, could a pint-sized nuclear reactor recreate the sun on Earth? A … Read more

Fusion Academic Papers

Fusion Academic Papers

The Ignition Design Space of Magnetized Target Fusion Irvin Lindemuth Ph.D. Dec. 28, 2015 Abstract The simple magnetized target implosion model of Lindemuth and Kirkpatrick (Nucl. Fusion 23, 263, 1983) has been extended to survey the potential parameter space in which three types of magnetized targets—cylindrical with axial magnetic field, cylindrical with azimuthal magnetic field, … Read more

Obama’s deceitful, unsustainable energy decrees

Obama’s deceitful, unsustainable energy decrees

By Paul Driessen Sept. 7, 2015 Wind and solar reap taxpayer loot, while hydrocarbon energy, industries and jobs get pummeled “That’s not the American way. That’s not progress. That’s not innovation. That’s rent-seeking and trying to protect old ways of doing business, and standing in the way of the future.” That wasn’t the Wall Street … Read more

Nuclear Fusion Reactors

Nuclear Fusion Reactors

me engineers SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 PATRICK LANDY The rewards of creating a functional nuclear fusion reactor will be enormous. Such a device will generate safe, emission-free energy using fuel derived from water and lithium. This opportunity has intrigued and stumped scientists worldwide for nearly a century, and for good reason. The conditions needed to sustain … Read more

Korean to run nuclear reactor organization

Korean to run nuclear reactor organization Sep 04, 2015 Lee Gyung-su, former chairman of the National Fusion Research Institute, has been appointed chief operating officer of the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Organization (ITER). Lee Gyung-su is appointed COO of ITER. ITER is a large-scale scientific experiment that aims to demonstrate the technological and scientific feasibility of fusion energy. Countries such … Read more

How Close Are We To Nuclear Fusion?

How Close Are We To Nuclear Fusion?

Forbes Ethan Siegel AUG 27, 2015 The ability to not only utilize but, at will, to create fire — a source of heat, light and energy that could be applied to a variety of purposes — was perhaps the key development that led humankind to dominate the plant and animal world, and eventually, all of … Read more

UK nuclear fusion energy firm Tokamak joins global giants Google, Dropbox and Mozilla as World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer award winner

UK nuclear fusion energy firm Tokamak joins global giants Google, Dropbox and Mozilla as World Economic Forum Technology Pioneer award winner

Scottish Energy News Hydrogen plasma in the world’s first tokamak to use exclusively high temperature superconducting magnets. The World Economic Forum has announced its selection of the world’s 49 most promising Technology Pioneers 2015 – which includes the UK’s Tokamak Energy, which has been recognised for its approach to accelerate delivery of fusion energy – … Read more

Fusion energy could be the future

Fusion energy could be the future

31 August 2015 Illustration of tokamak with plasma © ITER Organization Fusion energy offers the tantalising possibility of clean, sustainable and almost limitless energy. But can it be an economically viable option? Research led by Durham University, in collaboration with the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy, has looked in-depth at the economics of fusion energy. … Read more