Economic Literacy 101

Economic Literacy 101

By Paul Driessen Feb. 27, 2016 Do millennials really want the Big Government socialist policies Bernie and Hillary advocate? America’s 18- to 34-year-old “millennials” have been tutored in group-think schools that extol socialism. Now they lionize liberal politicians whose class-warfare prescriptions include taxing away all but maybe 1% of the nation’s 0.0001% billionaires’ wealth, then … Read more

ITER Fusion Project: World Leader in Renewable Energy

ITER Fusion Project: World Leader in Renewable Energy Feb. 22, 2016 Today 80% of the developed world’s energy comes from fossil which meets energy demand but these fuels present environmental issues and climate change challenges. By 2050, it is predicted that the population will be 9 billion and there will be a dramatic increase in energy consumption for which no one solution … Read more

Landmark ITER nuclear fusion energy test a decade away

Landmark ITER nuclear fusion energy test a decade away

THE AUSTRALIAN NOVEMBER 23, 2015 Construction of the ITER nuclear fusion project in southern France Humanity will wait 10 years for a major trial of a different form of nuclear energy regarded as a game changer in the centuries ahead. So far man-made nuclear energy has involved fission, the release of energy with the splitting … Read more

IPP to develop plasma control system for the ITER test reactor

IPP to develop plasma control system for the ITER test reactor

Research in Germany 27 Nov 2015 Source: Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik The complex software by means of which the ITER international fusion reactor is to be operated and the plasma experiments are to be controlled in real time is to be developed by Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP) at Garching bei München in conjunction … Read more

ITER fusion project to take at least 6 years longer than planned

ITER fusion project to take at least 6 years longer than planned

Sciance Mag By Daniel Clery 19 November 2015 The multibillion-dollar ITER fusion project will take another 6 years to build beyond the—now widely discredited—official schedule, a meeting of the governing council was told this week. ITER management has also asked the seven international partners backing the project for additional funding to finish the job. It … Read more

How to innovate with nuclear energy. The ITER Project.

How to innovate with nuclear energy. The ITER Project. By Kenneth G.Martinez 03/11/2015 The need to find a source of sustainable energy and the commitment to fighting climate change are the main driving forces behind research in the field of nuclear energy. ITER, which means “path” in Latin, is a further step along that path. This is an international-scale experiment, whose objective is … Read more

Siemens to work on ITER fusion heating systems

Siemens to work on ITER fusion heating systems

The Engineer 14 October 2015 Siemens and Fusion for Energy (F4E) are collaborating on the heating systems for ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor), the technology project hoping to validate fusion energy’s potential. F4E – the EU’s branch of ITER – will partner with Siemens to develop three units of equipment that will host power supplies … Read more

Science writers visit MIT’s fusion experiment

Science writers visit MIT’s fusion experiment

MIT Paul Rivenberg | PSFC | October 14, 2015 In the control room, Dr. Bob Mumgaard demonstrates how the plasma in a glow discharge tube responds to magnetic fields. Fusion devices like MIT’s Alcator C-Mod tokamak use magnets to keep hot plasma contained and away from the walls of the device. Paul Rivenberg On the … Read more

‘Exploding Kittens’ Card Game Literally Explodes On Kickstarter With $8.8M Campaign

NoCamels By Maya Yarowsky, February 24, 2015 Exploding kittens, bear-o-dactyls and pig-a-corns; no, these aren’t the names of rare species you’ve never heard of and animal rights activists aren’t freaking out. These are some of the characters in the “Exploding Kittens” card game that raised a whopping $8.8 million in its recent Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign, … Read more