I come to bury Renewable Fuel Standards

By Paul Driessen Feb. 2, 2015 Not to praise ethanol mandates that kill jobs, raise food costs, and hurt poor families and wildlife They say politics makes strange bedfellows. In a perfect example, U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Pat Toomey (R-PA) are cosponsoring the “Corn Ethanol Mandate Elimination Act,” to abolish the corn ethanol … Read more

Nuclear Fusion Power

World Nuclear Association (Updated October 2014) Fusion power offers the prospect of an almost inexhaustible source of energy for future generations, but it also presents so far insurmountable scientific and engineering challenges. The main hope is centred on tokamak reactors which confine a deuterium-tritium plasma magnetically. Today, many countries take part in fusion research to … Read more

Should Google Go Nuclear?

Posted on Youtube by Google Tech Talks on Oct.8, 2007 ABSTRACT This is not your father’s fusion reactor! Forget everything you know about conventional thinking on nuclear fusion: high-temperature plasmas, steam turbines, neutron radiation and even nuclear waste are a thing of the past. Goodbye thermonuclear fusion; hello inertial electrostatic confinement fusion (IEC), an old … Read more

Culham Centre, UK: The future is fusion

Uploaded Jan. 25, 2012 by the UK’s Culham Centre for Fusion There’s nothing hotter than fusion at the moment (at up to several hundred million degrees, we mean that quite literally), so we were delighted to join forces with the UK Fusion Programme to make this…

Nuclear fusion: an answer to China’s energy problems?

chinadialogue.net Olivia Boyd 12.02.2013 China could lead the way to a clean and boundless energy supply – if it can ever be made to work. Scientist Steven Cowley talks to chinadialogue. A nuclear fusion display in the Houston Museum of Natural Science. Fusion could one day meet 25% of the world’s energy needs, says Steven … Read more

America’s Fusion Race With China Is Heating Up, So Why Is Washington Going Cold?

The DBrief FEBRUARY 14, 2014 BY PATRICK TUCKER Researchers with the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California recently announced a major step forward in pursuit of the so-called holy grail of energy: fusion. Fusion in this case refers to merging two atoms into a single, heavier atom. In bonding, excess energy from the atoms is … Read more

How viable is nuclear fusion as an energy source? – podcast

the Guardian Are scientific and industrial ideas about commercial nuclear fusion reactors in the near future just wishful thinking? Download the podcast At Iter in the south of France, seven international partners have pooled their financial and scientific resources to build the biggest fusion reactor in history. Their aim is to resolve critical scientific and … Read more

China is going to mine the Moon for helium-3 fusion fuel

extremetech.com By John Hewitt on January 26, 2015 China’s Chang’e lunar probe dynasty is already having a great year. The Chang’e 3 lunar lander surpassed all expectations last week to emerge from its 14th hibernation while the Chang’e 5-T1 just completed its transfer from the Earth-Moon Lagrange Point 2 into a stable orbit around the … Read more

Why It’s Taking The U.S. So Long To Make Fusion Energy Work

Huffington Post by Dino Grandoni 01/20/2015 A researcher examines the National Spherical Torus Experiment. PLAINSBORO, N.J. — Hidden in the woods two miles from Princeton University’s main campus sits a drab white building easily mistakable for a warehouse. Inside is one of the Ivy League school’s most expensive experiments: a 22-foot-tall metal spheroid surrounded by … Read more