Climate Change–Less of a Scientific Agenda and More of a Political Agenda MARITA NOON Originally published June 23, 2014. Republished with permission Feb. 27, 2015 Those who don’t believe in climate change are “a threat to the future,” says the Washington Post in a June 14 article on President Obama’s commencement address for the University of California-Irvine. Regarding the speech, the Associated Press reported: “President Obama … Read more

The quest for nuclear fusion

With its promise of virtually unlimited clean energy, nuclear fusion has long been a goal of physicists. With the enormous ITER experimental reactor under construction in the south of France, Antony Funnell takes a look at the feasibility of replicating the Sun here on Earth. ABC Future Tense Wednesday 25 February 2015 Antony Funnell IMAGE: … Read more

Energy transition series – Nuclear fusion: the road from dream to reality is long, very long!

Paris Tech February 23rd, 2015 Rising energy consumption round the world, rarefaction of fossil energy sources, climate change, the necessary reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions… The development of new and renewable energy sectors, emitting few or zero GHGs has become primordial. Faced with this inevitable energy transition phase, nuclear fusion could be justified, provided … Read more

Smaller fusion reactors could deliver big gains Feb 16, 2015 Hot topic: size may not be everything in tokamak design Researchers from the UK firm Tokamak Energy say that future fusion reactors could be made much smaller than previously envisaged – yet still deliver the same energy output. That claim is based on calculations showing that the fusion power gain – … Read more

Lockheed Martin claims to be “restarting the atomic age” with a compact fusion reactor

AIP Scitation Steven T. Corneliussen, October 2014 “The old promise of atoms for peace was a noble one, but ultimately flawed because the technology wasn’t right for it,” declares Thomas McGuire in a 4-minute public relations video. He leads a fusion energy project at Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works, famous for originating, among other things, the … Read more

Lockheed Martin’s 100 MW Compact Fusion Nuclear Reactor

IHS Global Spec Roger Pink, Ph.D., 16 December 2014 A Lockheed Martin Skunk Works team is working on a compact fusion reactor (CFR) that could be developed and deployed in as little as 10 years. The lead scientist on the project, Thomas McGuire, said in an October 15 press release that the company’s compact fusion … Read more

Fusion Energy – Kill the beast

the Last Tech Age 2012/02/29 Fusion research will yield nothing if current U.S. “starve research” policy is continued. Fusion development must fail under this self justifying strategy. The National Ignition Facility (NIF) at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory got all its parameters lined up in a row and fired away. Their target did not implode to … Read more

Proclamación al Mundo de parte de los Pueblos de Estados Unidos de América

Los Estados Unidos de América, gracias a la libertad de su gente y a la dedicación a los valores provistos por la educación y el libre emprendimiento ha producido la nación más poderosa que el mundo alguna vez haya conocido en términos de riqueza, valores humanos y su disponibilidad para ayudar a todos los habitantes … Read more

Tech firm aims to ‘save the world’ with nuclear reactor

The Globe and Mail Last updated Thursday, Feb. 05 2015, 10:46 AM EST Michel Laberge, the founder and chief scientist of General Fusion, sits in front of a prototype fusion reactor built at General Fusion in Burnaby. (BEN NELMS/REUTERS) General Fusion’s plan to rescue Earth from the calamity of global warming involves an ironic feat … Read more

This is the next generation of renewable energy technologies

Footsteps to fusion to matter-antimatter annihilation; a fanciful look at the future of energy. Of course beyond fossil fuels there are only 3 viable means to produce material amounts of energy. Nuclear fission, fusion, and matter-antimatter annihilation. We have fission today and can make it safer and more viable. Fusion can be commercialized within 20 … Read more