Controlling energy flow and loss in a turbulent plasma through helicity

University of Edinburgh June 8, 2015 Fresh theoretical understanding of the behaviour of turbulent plasmas could inform potential applications, from tokamak fusion reactors to new understanding of magnetic fields in cosmology. Researchers at the School of Physics & Astronomy have developed a new mathematical description of the energy flow of a turbulent plasma, and how … Read more

Nuclear war on the Hill

Politico Boer Deng June, 2015 Fusion research splits the House and Senate. Why? Because, er… science. On a patch of land in Saint-Paul-les-Durance, in the South of France, cranes recently installed two massive electrical fixtures, industrial gray and 87 tons each — the first components of a plant that will house the world’s biggest scientific … Read more

Nuclear physics: Pull together for fusion by Bernard Bigot, 09 June 2015 ITER director-general Bernard Bigot explains how he will strengthen leadership and management to refocus the project’s aim of harnessing nuclear fusion. Ten years ago this month, China, the European Union, Japan, South Korea, Russia and the United States agreed on the location for the world’s largest nuclear-fusion experiment: … Read more

Rays of Hope: Fringe Fusion Ventures Take Small Steps Toward Energy Leap

NBC ALAN BOYLE, JUN 5 2015 University of Washington researchers will attempt to create a self-sustained and controlled fusion reaction with a scaled-up version of this Z-pinch device. Photo: UW Multibillion-dollar projects are slowly moving ahead on the nuclear fusion frontier, but less traditional efforts to harness the power that fuels the sun say they’re … Read more

New U.S. DOE Breakthrough Could Simplify Tokamak Design for Fusion Energy

Environews Emerson Urry, June 2, 2015 (EnviroNews World News) — Princeton, New Jersey — Researchers at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), an arm of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), reported a breakthrough in fusion energy science on June 1, 2015, with the simulation of “plasmoids” in a tokamak-like environment. It was also reported … Read more

York Plasma Institute Postgraduate Opportunities Event

University of York, Dept. of Physics, UK University of York, Tuesday 18 June 2015 If you are thinking of a PhD or MSc degree, have you thought about fusion energy research? Fusion is the process that powers the stars and, in particular, our own star, the Sun. If we can achieve fusion here on earth, … Read more

Mystery company blazes a trail in fusion energy

Science By Daniel Clery, 2 June 2015 TOKAMAK/CREATIVE COMMONS Fusion reactor relies on a “field-reversed configuration”: a smoke ring of plasma that holds itself together with its own magnetic field. Of the handful of startup companies trying to achieve fusion energy via nontraditional methods, Tri Alpha Energy Inc. has always been the enigma. Publishing little … Read more

The new shape of fusion

ScienceMag Daniel Clery | 21 May 2015 A plasma glows inside MAST, a spherical tokamak. ITER, the international fusion reactor being built in France, will stand 10 stories tall, weigh three times as much as the Eiffel Tower, and cost its seven international partners $18 billion or more. The result of decades of planning, ITER … Read more

A little drop will do it: Tiny grains of lithium can dramatically improve the performance of fusion plasmas (Nuclear Fusion)

Princeton Journal Watch May 22, 2015 Left: DIII-D tokamak. Right: Cross-section of plasma in which lithium has turned the emitted light green. (Credits: Left, General Atomics / Right, Steve Allen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) By Raphael Rosen, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Scientists from General Atomics and the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics … Read more