Letter to Peter Thiel

Tom D. Tamarkin – 5545 El Camino Avenue – Carmichael, CA 95608 – 916-482-2000 Pat Boone – 9220 Sunset Blvd Suite 310 – Los Angeles, CA 90069 – 310-858-0044 November 12, 2016 Peter A. Thiel Ref: Policy Proclamation to help make America Great Again Dear Peter: We are contacting you because of your nuclear power … Read more

Controlled Nuclear Fusion

Controlled Nuclear Fusion

clivebest.com November 9, 2015 by Clive Best, Ph.D., High Energy Physics If nuclear fusion can be tamed on earth then if offers the potential of limitless energy for the foreseeable future. We saw in the previous post how all the elements on earth were fused in a massive star that exploded before our sun formed. … Read more

Physicists uncover mechanism that stabilizes plasma within tokamaks

Physicists uncover mechanism that stabilizes plasma within tokamaks

phys.org November 10, 2015 A cross-section of the virtual plasma showing where the magnetic field lines intersect the plane. The central section has field lines that rotate exactly once. Credit: Stephen Jardin A team of physicists led by Stephen Jardin of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL) has discovered a mechanism … Read more

Researchers learn to fine tune tokamak magnetic fields to mitigate damaging energy bursts

Researchers learn to fine tune tokamak magnetic fields to mitigate damaging energy bursts

phys.org November 10, 2015 Researchers used the rectangular coils shown here to strike the magnetic fields that enclose the donut-shaped plasma. The colors of the plasma denote the different vibrations produced by striking the fields with external magnetic coils. Credit: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and General Atomics. The swirling plasma in donut-shaped fusion facilities called … Read more

The future of fusion

The future of fusion

The Engineer 9 November 2015 Controlled fusion has the potential to be a long-term energy source. David Kingham explains the next steps The world needs abundant, clean energy. Fusion – with no CO2 emissions, no risk of meltdown and no long-lived radioactive waste – is the obvious solution and has been for decades, but it … Read more

Time Magazine: Inside the Quest for Fusion, Clean Energy’s Holy Grail

Time Magazine: Inside the Quest for Fusion, Clean Energy’s Holy Grail

Time Magazine by Lev Grossman Oct. 22, 2015 Time Magazine Cover Start-ups are behind the new push Dr. Michl Binderbauer, Tri-Alpha Energy’s CTO, near the core of his firm’s fusion reactor in Foothill Ranch, Calif. Hydrogen, the universe’s most abundant element, is the fuel for any potential fusion reactor The machine lives in a white … Read more

Joseph Minervini appointed as assistant director of Plasma Science and Fusion Center

Joseph Minervini appointed as assistant director of Plasma Science and Fusion Center

EU Noticias 4 November, 2015 Senior research engineer and division head Joseph Minervini, will serve as assistant director of the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC), effective Nov. 1. He joins PSFC leadership, including Professor Dennis Whyte (director), Martin Greenwald (deputy director), and Richard Temkin (associate director). “Dr. Minervini brings internationally acknowledged expertise in … Read more

How does fusion power ‘work,’ and will it ever be viable?

How does fusion power ‘work,’ and will it ever be viable?

Extreme Tech By Graham Templeton on November 3, 2015 If we are to continue advancing as a species and consuming more and more power per person, then there are only two possible endpoints for human power production, and they’re both fusion. Either we figure out how to soak up and use a large portion of … Read more

Testing the thermal tolerance of the fusion reactors of the future

Testing the thermal tolerance of the fusion reactors of the future

Phys.org November 3, 2015 Oxford University researchers have developed a new method that makes it possible to study whether the deterioration of nuclear fusion reactor materials in the face of extreme radiation may cause catastrophic thermal failure. Nuclear fusion is an attractive option for creating sustainable energy, in principle using the same reactions found at … Read more

General Fusion profiled for Time magazine cover story on fusion energy

General Fusion profiled for Time magazine cover story on fusion energy

Cantech Letter OCTOBER 30, 2015 BY TERRY DAWES General Fusion, a fusion reactor developer based in Burnaby, B.C., is one of several companies profiled for the cover feature of the November 2 issue of Time magazine, written by Lev Grossman, focusing on fusion energy with the headline “Unlimited Energy. For everyone. Forever. Fusion: It Might … Read more