The Science Of Back To The Future: Where’s My Mr. Fusion?

The Science Of Back To The Future: Where’s My Mr. Fusion?

Forbes Carmen Drahl Oct. 15, 2015 Today, the future is now— for fans of the Back to the Future trilogy, at least. October 21, 2015 marks the day when Marty McFly and Emmett “Doc” Brown touched down in their DeLorean time machine, flying in from 30 years in the past. “Back to the Future”‘s DeLorean … Read more

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Start-Ups Take On Challenge of Nuclear Fusion

Start-Ups Take On Challenge of Nuclear Fusion

NY Times By DINO GRANDONIOCT. 25, 2015 Michl Binderbauer of Tri Alpha Energy, a fusion start-up. Credit Emily Berl for The New York Times A group of start-ups is promising a new and virtually unlimited source of power, one that produces none of the gases scientists say contribute to global warming. The only problem? A … Read more

Millennium Falcon vs. The Stellarator

Millennium Falcon vs. The Stellarator Oct. 24, 2015 by Darren Beyer If you found your way to this site, then you probably know the Millennium Falcon, the iconic spaceship depicted in the Star Wars films. The Stellarator is likely just slightly less well known, though bears an uncanny resemblance, as pointed out in this AAAS Science Magazine article. In … Read more

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Stellar work

Stellar work

Economist Oct 24th 2015 Research into fusion has gone down a blind alley, but a means of escape may now be at hand IN THE winter of 1968 three British physicists went to Moscow to examine a machine called a tokamak. This fusion reactor was a newly devised competitor to America’s approach to fusion, known … Read more

Abundant, affordable energy is (almost) within our grasp

Abundant, affordable energy is (almost) within our grasp

Vancouver Sun BY RANDY SHORE OCTOBER 18, 2015 General Fusion takes a low-tech approach to a safe, clean form of nuclear energy Watch the video report on the Vancouver Sun web site. Burnaby’s General Fusion appears to inching close to a technology that could supply the world with abundant, clean energy from nuclear fusion. This … Read more

Fusion Diagnostics Heat Up Across the US

Fusion Diagnostics Heat Up Across the US

Oak Ridge National Lab 22-Oct-2015 Teams are developing tools to monitor and control ITER plasma Newswise — ITER, the world’s largest tokamak now under construction in France, will have over 60 diagnostic systems installed to enable plasma control, optimize plasma performance, and support machine protection¬. Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, in … Read more

The bizarre reactor that might save nuclear fusion

The bizarre reactor that might save nuclear fusion

ScienceMag By Daniel Clery | 21 October 2015 If you’ve heard of fusion energy, you’ve probably heard of tokamaks. These doughnut-shaped devices are meant to cage ionized gases called plasmas in magnetic fields while heating them to the outlandish temperatures needed for hydrogen nuclei to fuse. Tokamaks are the workhorses of fusion—solid, symmetrical, and relatively … Read more

Mr Fusion

Mr Fusion

Tech Financials Oct. 21, 2015 Even with the reality-check that comes with a few decades’ physics experience, I still dream of a world where Mr Fusion, a kitchen appliance-style home nuclear power generator, provides cheap and clean energy for everyone. Such an invention could enable some of the more speculative ideas in BTTF2, plus a … Read more

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Step into the nuclear future

Step into the nuclear future

GE Look Ahead at The Economist By GE Look ahead Posted October 18, 2015 What if fusion became commercial? Nuclear fusion, says Stephen Hawking, could “provide an inexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming”. The technology’s promises are many, but how would the arrival of commercial fusion affect the design of our energy … Read more

Fear of Fusion: What if It Works?

Fear of Fusion: What if It Works?

(This article from the LA Times was published in 1989, and has been posted here 26 years later) LA Times April 19, 1989| PAUL CIOTTI | Times Staff Writer When two scientists announced last month in Utah that they had achieved room-temperature nuclear fusion, the news shot through the halls of science like a scalded … Read more