Scientists push boundaries to find alternative energy

Scientists push boundaries to find alternative energy

Eco Business 9 October 2015 From algae to alloys, ingenuity in the world’s laboratories is fuelling experiments to find new ways of providing viable sources of clean energy. Scientists have found a way how to cultivate green algae for biofuel in huge quantities at US$50 a barrel, which is about the cost of crude oil. … Read more

EPA unleashes health-hammering ozone rules

EPA unleashes health-hammering ozone rules

By Paul Driessen Oct. 11, 2015 It may be incompetence overseas, but in USA Obama intends to reduce jobs and living standards A federal worker named Bob recently called our local talk-radio station, outraged that a failed budget deal could cause a government shutdown that leaves him unable to pay his bills. He blamed Republicans, … Read more

X Marks the Spot

X Marks the Spot OCTOBER 11, 2015BY PRINCETON UNIVERSITY X MARKS THE SPOT: RESEARCHERS CONFIRM NOVEL METHOD FOR CONTROLLING PLASMA ROTATION TO IMPROVE FUSION PERFORMANCE (PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS) Representative plasma geometries, with the X-point location circled in red. (Reprinted from T. Stoltzfus-Dueck et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 245001, 2015. Copyright 2015 by the American Physical Society.) By … Read more

Is nuclear fusion about to change our world?

Is nuclear fusion about to change our world?

CNN By Thom Patterson Wed October 7, 2015 (Video is included in the CNN post, click the link to watch it) Hey 21st century, where’s that nuclear fusion power reactor you promised? Tens of billions of dollars have been spent in the past 60 years, entire careers have been invested, but the ability to produce … Read more

The Big Sunshiny Lie

The Big Sunshiny Lie

American Spectator By Larry Thornberry – 9.7.15 As Florida enviros push for their solar amendment, solar’s undesirability goes unmentioned. The important thing to know about solar and wind power, and other so-called “renewable” sources of energy, is that they aren’t necessary. Au the contraire, their dominance of the energy mix would be a disaster for … Read more

Announcing the winners of the FED Student Award at ISFNT’12

Announcing the winners of the FED Student Award at ISFNT’12

Elsevier We are pleased to announce the winners of the FED Student Award at ISFNT, which was recently held at the 12th International Symposium on Fusion Nuclear Technology in Jeju Island, South Korea. Sponsored by Elsevier, the award acknowledges outstanding contributions to the field of Fusion Nuclear Technology, presented at the conference by a Masters … Read more

Italy supplies nuclear fusion reactor component to Japan

Italy supplies nuclear fusion reactor component to Japan

Agora Magazine Sept. 30 Rome – The first superconducting magnet for the JT-60SA experimental nuclear fusion reactor under construction in Japan was presented in Genoa on Tuesday by ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development, and ASG Superconductors, a superconducting magnet manufacturing company. The Tokamak, a plant that will … Read more

Why Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and others are betting on fusion

Why Jeff Bezos, Peter Thiel, and others are betting on fusion

Fortune SEPTEMBER 28, 2015 The “ignition facility” at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Photo: Damien Jemison—LLNL The energy source has been long on promise and short on reality. Now private companies think they can succeed where the government has failed. For more than half a century governments around the world have been trying to solve the … Read more

Engineering fusion: Out of the tokamak and into industry

Engineering fusion: Out of the tokamak and into industry

Euro Fusion Posted August 25th 2015 How can the outcome of European fusion research serve your daily life? – This is the question that FUTTA wanted to answer. The Fusion Technology Transfer Action figured out 24 original fusion inventions that can be used by other industries. The project, initiated by the European Commission and EFDA … Read more