Inside the Dynomak: A Fusion Technology Cheaper Than Coal

Modifying the most common type of experimental reactor might finally make fusion power feasible By Evan Ackerman Posted 26 Nov 2014 | 16:00 GMT Photo: Michelle Ma/University of Washington Helicity Hero: A trio of “magnetic helicity injectors” are the key to the University of Washington’s HIT-SI3 fusion experiment. Fusion power has many compelling arguments in … Read more

Robert J. Goldston

Robert J. Goldston

Robert J. Goldston Professor of Astrophysical Sciences 609-243-3550 BackStory with Joan Goldstein, 6.15 Inertial Confinement Fusion R&D and Nuclear Proliferation Education B.A., Physics, Harvard University, 1972 Ph.D., Astrophysical Sciences, Program in Plasma Physics, Princeton University, 1977 Research Interests I started my research career studying how plasmas are heated by energetic ions. I did experimental … Read more

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Plasma physics: The fusion upstarts Fuelled by venture capital and a lot of hope, alternative fusion technologies are heating up. Hubert Kang Photography General Fusion’s reactor would use massive pistons to crush fuel in a spinning vortex of liquid lead. To reach one of the world’s most secretive nuclear-fusion companies, visitors must wind their way through a suburban office … Read more

Fusion Energy: Hope or Hype?

By David Bailey and Jonathan Borwein, Huffington Post David H. Bailey Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (retired) and University of California, Davis Jonathan M. Borwein Laureate Professor of Mathematics, University of Newcastle, Australia The IPCC Report’s Warning The latest draft edition of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report bluntly warns that business-as-usual increases … Read more

Alan Caruba’s Review of Cracking Big Green

Alan Caruba It is doubtful that most Americans and others around the world know how vast the organizational structure of the environmental movement is and how much wealth it generates for those engaged in an agenda that would drag humanity back to the Stone Age.  If that sounds extreme, consider a world without access to … Read more

The Obama war on pipelines

By Paul Driessen Nov. 1, 2014 Expedite wind and solar – but block coal, oil, gas, pipelines, jobs and economic recovery “This is not the same industry we had 15 years ago,” Natural Gas Supply Association VP Jennifer Fordham said recently. That’s an understatement. The oil, petrochemical and manufacturing industries are also far different from … Read more

Breaking Russia’s energy stranglehold

By Paul Driessen Sept. 29, 2014 Europe cannot afford to have its foreign and domestic policies dictated by Putin’s blackmail European Union nations want to impose tougher economic sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and providing the missiles that shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17. However, they are worried about biting the hand that feeds … Read more

Protect the poor – from climate change policies

By Paul Driessen Sep. 26, 2014 Cornwall Alliance works to ensure reliable, affordable energy for poor families worldwide In a more rational, moral, compassionate, scientifically literate world, this Cornwall declaration would not be needed. It assesses the “far-reaching, costly policies” that the world’s governments are adopting, supposedly to prevent global warming and climate change. It … Read more

What really drives anti-fracking zealots?

By Paul Driessen Sept. 21, 2014 They want to end fossil fuels and capitalism, control our lives and impose eco-utopia Recent news stories underscore the tremendous benefits brought by America’s fracking revolution. * The shale oil production boom could boost US crude production to 9.5 million barrels of oil per day (bopd) next year, reducing … Read more

Obama AWOL again – on energy terrorism

By Paul Driessen Sep. 2, 2014 The president fails to prepare for anything, except vacation, golf and climate change  Four news stories in four days sum up the Obama presidency and help explain why the world and U.S. economy are in such a mess. President Obama just returned from his two-week beach and golf vacation … Read more