A message from the president

We need your help and support. Our mission is to teach all Americans that the renewable green energy schemes currently proposed…solar, wind, hydro, tidal, geo-thermal and bio-fuels are nothing more than a “drop in the bucket” in terms of our future energy demands and that our nation’s economic prosperity and national security depend on all … Read more

false dawns

Hermit Abroad OCTOBER 28, 2014 To anyone worried about climate change the announcement by Lockheed Martin that it is developing a fusion reactor that will be ready for market within ten years could be seen as a cause for hope. Though I’ve yearned for this development for years, now I’m not so sure. Our technologies … Read more

Viewpoint: Magnetic Fields Lock in the Heat for Fusion

By Riccardo Betti on Physics Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Rochester, Rochester NY 14627, USA Published October 14, 2014 | Physics 7, 105 (2014) | DOI: 10.1103/Physics.7.105 Sandia researchers demonstrate that magnetic fields help retain heat in an imploding pellet of fuel, increasing the number of fusion reactions. … Read more

Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980 (MFEEA)

Notes and Comment On October 12, 1980, President Carter signed into law the “Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act of 1980.” The act was based on House and Senate Bills sponsored by Rep. M. McCormack (DWash.) and Sen. P. Tsongas (D-Mass.), which had passed both houses of Congress with very strong bipartisan support and presumably represents … Read more

Low-Cost Fusion Project Steps Out of the Shadows and Looks for Money

Low-Cost Fusion Project Steps Out of the Shadows and Looks for Money

From NBC News A hush-hush nuclear fusion project that’s received $12 million from the U.S. Navy is now sharing what it calls encouraging results — and looking for private investment. For years, EMC2 Fusion Development Corp. has had to conduct its research into what’s known as Polywell fusion outside public view because the Navy wanted … Read more

Lockheed Martin’s Fusion Energy Reactor Design Criticized, But U.S. Nuclear Power Plans Also Called ‘Unsatisfactory’

Lockheed Martin’s Fusion Energy Reactor Design Criticized, But U.S. Nuclear Power Plans Also Called ‘Unsatisfactory’

From Inquisitr Lockheed Martin’s fusion energy reactor design is drawing some heat from other scientists, although heat is said to be precisely the problem. But the Skunk Works team is not alone in receiving criticism since other U.S. fusion energy plans are being considering “unsatisfactory” by a meeting of peers. In a related report by … Read more

Skunk Works Reveals Compact Fusion Reactor Details

Lockheed Martin aims to develop compact reactor prototype in five years, production unit in 10 Guy Norris | Aviation Week & Space Technology Hidden away in the secret depths of the Skunk Works, a Lockheed Martin research team has been working quietly on a nuclear energy concept they believe has the potential to meet, if … Read more

Washington State University fusion reactor concept could be cheaper than coal

From the University of Washington by Michelle Ma This announcement was also published at Phys.org Fusion energy almost sounds too good to be true – zero greenhouse gas emissions, no long-lived radioactive waste, a nearly unlimited fuel supply. The UW’s current fusion experiment, HIT-SI3. It is about one-tenth the size of the power-producing dynomak concept.U … Read more

Does Lockheed Martin Really Have a Breakthrough Fusion Machine?

MIT Technology Review By David Talbot on October 20, 2014 Lockheed Martin says it will have a small fusion reactor prototype in five years but offers no data. The interior of Lockheed Martin’s fusion reactor shows a series of rings used to create magnetic fields that confine plasma. Lockheed Martin’s announcement last week that it … Read more

Iranian team to collaborate with US company on nuclear fusion project

New Jersey company says it has permission for unique partnership to work toward the holy grail of energy sources Mark Halper theguardian.com, Friday 25 May 2012 13.59 EDT Plasma used in fusion reactions is created at places like the ASDEX upgrade fusion reactor in Germany. Photograph: Peter Ginter/Science Faction/Corbis A US company and an Iranian … Read more