2060 And Lights Out

2060 And Lights Out

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp A Question and Answer Session Wolff Bachner and Tom Tamarkin 2060 And Lights Out: How Will America Survive Without Oil [Inquisitr Special Report] Imagine what your life would be like without electricity. No gasoline for your car; no oil for your furnace; no refrigeration for your … Read more


Mission FuelRFuture™ in partnership with its sponsors EnergyCite & USCL’s mission is to create a ubiquitous awareness of the value of energy, the recognition that energy obtained from fusion is the only scientifically realistic solution to man’s need for large scale, clean, inexpensive and inexhaustible energy, and the skillful management of the scientific research and … Read more

Russia develops hybrid fusion-fission reactor, offers China role

Russia develops hybrid fusion-fission reactor, offers China role

RT Oct.17, 2014 The view of the Kurchatov Institute National Research Center, Moscow.(RIA Novosti / Alexey Kudenko) / RIA Novosti Russia is developing a hybrid nuclear reactor that uses both nuclear fusion and fission, said head of leading nuclear research facility. The project is open for international collaboration, particularly from Chinese scientists. A hybrid nuclear … Read more

Scientists Skeptical of Lockheed’s Fusion Breakthrough

Defense Tech BRENDAN MCGARRY on OCTOBER 16, 2014 Experts were skeptical of Lockheed Martin Corp.‘s claims this week that it plans to build a fusion reactor small enough to fit on the back of a truck over the next decade. The Bethesda, Maryland-based company — the world’s largest defense contractor, known for its stealth fighter … Read more

Schroeder Letter to Sarah Palin

Gerald Schroeder, Ph. D. Jerusalem, Israel https://www.geraldschroeder.com 3 October 2008 The Honorable Mrs. Sarah Palin Governor, State of Alaska U. S. Vice Presidential Candidate of the Republican Party C/O Mr. John (Jack) Donahue 100 Bay Road Naples, Florida 34102 Ref: Republican 2008 Victory & World Wide Energy Independence Dear Mrs. Palin: It is my sincere … Read more

Who Killed Fusion?

Who Killed Fusion?

By: Marsha Freeman, commissioned & edited by Tom Tamarkin copyright USCL 2010-2017 June 20, 2010 Skip Preface See also: How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy See Also: Pat Boone & Tom Tamarkin series of 8 articles on the history and politics of … Read more

How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy

How Russia Caused the World’s Preeminent Super Power To Lose 25 Years in Its Quest to Correctly Solve Energy

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp June 29, 2014 In 1980 the Magnetic Fusion Energy Engineering Act or MFEEA passed the House and Senate with virtually zero opposition and was signed by President Carter in October 1980. The goal was to demonstrate clean, cheap, safe, and virtually unlimited fusion power by 1995 … Read more

‘Global Warming Scare’ declared ‘Over’

by Bob Unruh 10/12/2014 Scientists and others on a team assembled by the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, which focuses on free-market solutions to today’s problems, say the “scare” of global warming from the use of carbon fuels and other human activities “is over.” It’s “past time” for the world to realize that and “stop the madness … Read more