The IPCC is Wrong

The IPCC is Wrong

Watts Up With That? December 11, 2016 As a factor in Global Warming, increases in the atmospheric concentration of CO2 have been, and will continue to be, largely irrelevant Guest essay submitted by William Van Brunt Copyright © William Van Brunt, 2016. All rights reserved. Summary The following are the basic principles and assumptions underlying … Read more

Energy Subcommittee Hearing – An Overview of Fusion Energy Science

Energy Subcommittee Hearing – An Overview of Fusion Energy Science

US House of Representatives April 20, 2016 An Overview of Fusion Energy Science Hearing Charter Opening Statements Energy Subcommittee Chairman Randy Weber (R-Texas) Full Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) Witnesses Dr. Bernard Bigot Director General, ITER Organization [Truth in Testimony] Dr. Stewart Prager Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory [Truth in Testimony] Dr. Scott Hsu Scientist, … Read more

Letter to President-elect Trump

Letter to President-elect Trump

Tom D. Tamarkin 5545 El Camino Avenue Carmichael, California 95608 916-482-2000 Ext 142 (office) 916-482-2020 (cellular) November 18, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump 725 Fifth Avenue New York City, New York 10022 Dear President-elect Trump: America is at a tipping point. Your election will move us back towards our roots and make America great again. … Read more

No Certain Doom: On the Accuracy of Projected Global Average Surface Air Temperatures

No Certain Doom: On the Accuracy of Projected Global Average Surface Air Temperatures

Even the most advanced climate models are making errors so large the projected temperatures have no meaning. This lecture by Patrick Frank, Ph.D. explains why from a mathematical perspective. 28:00 into the lecture makes the statement previously quoted. What do climate models reveal about future global average temperature? NOTHING. What do climate models reveal about … Read more

Lord Christopher Monckton Message to the Trump Administration & American Public

Lord Christopher Monckton Message to the Trump Administration & American Public

From: Lord Christopher Monckton 3rd Viscount of Brenchley 09 November 2016 Lord Christopher Monckton 1. U.S. withdrawal from the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, from the Paris climate agreement and from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change: The President of the United States should invite the Secretary of State to serve upon the Secretary General of … Read more

Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition

Trump Picks Top Climate Skeptic to Lead EPA Transition

Scientific American By Robin Bravender, ClimateWire on September 26, 2016 C redit: GAGE SKIDMORE Flickr Choosing Myron Ebell means Trump plans to drastically reshape climate policies Donald Trump has selected one of the best-known climate skeptics to lead his U.S. EPA transition team, according to two sources close to the campaign. Myron Ebell, director of … Read more

Letters to President Donald Trump

Letters to President Donald Trump

Since 2012, we have attempted to acquaint Donald Trump with the importance of continuing an aggressive scientific and technological fusion energy development program in the U.S. private sector augmented by government and university research. The following letters have been sent to Mr. Trump via personal connections and high level executives within his organization. Letter to … Read more

A Heated Debate: The Science and Policy of Climate Change

A Heated Debate: The Science and Policy of Climate Change

Rice University Federalist Society would like to invite you to participate in a debate promoting free speech and discussion pertaining to climate change facts and policy recommendations. Featured in this debate will be Dr. Willie Soon and Dr. Ronald Sass. Dr. Paul Brace will be our moderator. A debate on climate change in an open … Read more

The Miskolczi Greenhouse Theory

The Miskolczi Greenhouse Theory

By Arno Arrak Apparently the global climate records in the last decade are not cooperating with the government approved CO2 greenhouse effect based AGW doctrine, Arrak, [21], [22], [24], [25]. It is extremely important to focus the GH related research to look for alternative and robust theories explaining the real observed climate change or … Read more