The Deeper Problem

By Dr. Gerard Schroeder The Nefesh and the Neshamah Humans have two souls, the nefesh and the neshamah. Animals have only the nefesh. All life and all the universe have the wisdom of the creator. Let’s elaborate. Genesis chapter one: In the Hebrew text of Genesis, the act of creation occurs only three times: Genesis … Read more

Fusion Energy Discussed at Nuclear Hearing

American Security Project Posted By Philip Rossetti on May 13, 2015 On Wednesday May 13th the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology’s Subcommittee on Energy held a hearing on “Nuclear Energy Innovation and the National Labs.” The focus of the hearing was the government’s role in coordinating and funding national labs advancement of nuclear … Read more


Tom Tamarkin, President of USCL and Dr. Shalom and Yaffa Eliezer discuss nuclear fusion energy Dr. Eliezer is a well-known professor and lecturer on fusion science in Europe and Israel. His wife Yaffa is the author of two fiction books published both in English and Hebrew. Dr. Shalom Eliezer is the author of many text … Read more

What It Would Really Take to Reverse Climate Change

Today’s renewable energy technologies won’t save us. So what will? By Ross Koningstein & David Fork Posted 18 Nov 2014 | 20:00 GMT Google cofounder Larry Page is fond of saying that if you choose a harder problem to tackle, you’ll have less competition. This business philosophy has clearly worked out well for the company … Read more

Future of Energy

What is the future of energy? Chris Wright, CEO of Liberty Resources, talks about nuclear fusion and the oil supply 1,000 years from now. Learn more about the Opportunity Coalition here: Learn more about Brian Watson and other community building initiatives here: Back to the plan


Mission PowerRFuture™ in partnership with its sponsors EnergyCite & USCL’s mission is to create a ubiquitous awareness of the value of energy, the recognition that energy obtained from fusion is the only solution to man’s need for large scale, clean, inexpensive and inexhaustible energy, and the skillful management of the scientific research and development of … Read more

Development of Practical Fusion Power

T. D. Tamarkin USCL-EnergyCite® Additional scientific contributors, S. C. Hsu, Ph.D., T. J. Awe, Ph.D., S. Brockington, Ph.D., A. Case, Ph.D., J. T. Cassibry, Ph.D., G. Kagan, Ph.D., S. J. Messer, Ph.D., M. Stanic, X. Tang, Ph.D., D. R. Welch, Ph.D., and F. D. Witherspoon, Ph.D. Updated December 14, 2014

PJMIF Concept Tutorial

A presentation by October 4, 2011 Outline • Discuss the fusion power flow chart to determine the fusion gain required by any given inertial fusion scheme in order to produce net power on the grid – Compare PJMIF against laser ICF • Explain the fusion burn configuration for PJMIF • Explain how this is achieved … Read more