Letter to President-elect Trump

Tom D. Tamarkin
5545 El Camino Avenue
Carmichael, California 95608
916-482-2000 Ext 142 (office) 916-482-2020 (cellular)

November 18, 2016

President-elect Donald Trump
725 Fifth Avenue
New York City, New York 10022

Dear President-elect Trump:

America is at a tipping point. Your election will move us back towards our roots and make America great again.

America and indeed the world are heading towards the edge of a cliff on cheap abundant energy. Not tomorrow…not next year… but certainly over the next 2-3 decades. At the same time unscrupulous business leaders and liberal leaning politicians have given our citizens a false sense of security in suggesting that “green & renewable” energy sources can replace fossil fuels. As Peter Thiel stated in a New York Times op article, they can’t. Wind and solar will contribute 2%. Only nuclear power sources can supply baseload energy if and when fossil fuels are no longer viable.

We show, as an example, it would take over 900 years to make and install enough solar panels and batteries to replace today’s electrical power generation capacity in the US; over 5,000 years to provide energy for all sectors including transportation, agriculture, potable water and industrial. And the average life of a panel is less than 30 years; batteries 10 years at best.

The situation has been exacerbated by the EPA’s false & corrupt classification of carbon dioxide as a pollutant, giving the federal government its regulatory authority to attack and attempt to close down the fossil fuel industry. Our simple explanation shows what a hoax this has become. Now AG’s across the country are being organized to aggressively expand the current administration’s attack on fossil fuels.

Decades ago we saw real pollution coming from our coal plants. We solved that in the 1970s and 80s. Now the polluters are China and to a lesser extent, India. That particulate pollution can create weather changes and climate disruption. Carbon dioxide cannot. America could make money working with the Chinese electricity coal industry selling products to clean that pollution up. But no. We allow the UN and its climate agenda to distribute monies from us and other western countries based on taxing CO2, a non-pollutant, to underdeveloped corrupt countries.

Even a senior former UN climate official says climate change is not about climate but rather: “We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth (to poor countries) by climate policy.”

It is of paramount importance that we teach these issues to the American people in a way they can easily understand.

Indeed you have said for years that man-caused global warming/climate change is a “hoax,” a “canard,” “mythical,” a “con job,” “nonexistent,” and “bulls—” to reject mainstream climate science.

AGW or climate change has become a trillion dollar per year scam.

On the other hand the science is clear as a bell. The climate models are far from accurate. In fact they are worthless. But most people cannot understand the science and fall prey to the climate change scam industry propagated by an uncritical media.

We plan to raise these serious issues to the general public through the release of a few 20 to 30 second video animations designed to go viral. That will be followed by the staged release of a series of three video game trailers in advance of a major crowd source campaign designed to conclude in the April to May 2017 time frame.

We are developing a video game series we call PowerMasters™ which will become an instant hit in the multi-billion dollar video game industry. But unlike other games, our games matter. Our games teach and cause people to think. And in the spirit of Paul Newman and “Newman’s Own” brand “providing all profits to charity” we will distribute much of our revenues to a consortium to solve energy once and for all.

Young people will realize very quickly that plans to run America on solar based renewables are ridiculous, foolhardy, and would put our national security at risk. People will learn what energy is and where it comes from.

Further this will stimulate an interest in science and solving the world’s biggest problem which Bill Gates referred to in his last annual letter as the need for an energy miracle. Bill and Melinda have stressed the need for today’s youth to become interested in this issue and the science to solve it.

The world is on fire and America is the only potential extinguisher. The core of the issue is energy. The fire is the terrorism exported by the Middle East oil producing nations and the spread of radical Islam based on the caliphates. The world…not just America…is being held hostage by those using Middle East oil revenues to finance evil. Tom Tamarkin and Mudar Zahran, a Jordanian Palestinian living in London in exile and sympathetic to Israel, wrote a landmark article on this.

At the same time, liberals are severely damaging the future national security of our country by their reckless and irresponsible claims that they can shut down the fossil fuel industry and shift jobs to the “Big Green Energy Scheme.” Young people today believe politicians when they say this. Yet the fundamental science of “green, renewable energy” simply will not allow this unsustainable “pipe dream” to work.

The corruption this has generated in Washington D.C. is perpetuated by the Washington DC swamp.

We urge you to appoint strong, competent advisors who will review the memorandum of points to the Trump Administration and American Public written by my friend, Lord Christopher Monckton of Brenchley, the day after your election.

Climate change, either in the form of higher or lower temperatures, won’t kill the grandkids. Having little energy will. It is critically important that we stop wasting money on the climate change and green energy schemes now and begin to address how we will supply energy for future generations

He who controls energy controls the world. It is for that reason that China has an extremely ambitious nuclear power plan and that China is now leading the world in fusion energy science, research, and development activities. America must wake up and take control of our future.

We have a plan complete with Congressional committee ready bill language to incentivize the private sector to do what the government could not do in 50 years with billions and billions of dollars spent in the process. We have a plan to prove fusion energy will work within 10 years.

Most importantly we urge you to issue a Presidential Proclamation to the private sector to demonstrate controlled atomic fusion energy within a decade. This can and will become the JFK moonshot project of the 21st century and will indeed make America great again.

Respectfully & Sincerely,
Tom D. Tamarkin

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