The Deeper Problem

By Dr. Gerard Schroeder The Nefesh and the Neshamah Humans have two souls, the nefesh and the neshamah. Animals have only the nefesh. All life and all the universe have the wisdom of the creator. Let’s elaborate. Genesis chapter one: In the Hebrew text of Genesis, the act of creation occurs only three times: Genesis … Read more

Think Different: Worldwide Prosperity Through Abundant Energy

Presentation prepared for Mr. Tim Cook, CEO Sacramento, California Download this presentation as a PDF 1 At the current rate of communication & learning, within the next 20 years, mankind will have virtually unlimited powers. What Role Will Apple Play? 2 An extraordinary confluence of science & technologies is happening NOW Super Computers ► Unlimited … Read more

How The Power Elite Prejudiced The Pope’s Climate Change Encyclical

Among all the hallelujahs and groans about Pope Francis and his highly politicized climate change encyclical Laudato Si’, there’s scant mention of who actually formulated the core content beneath the lofty narrative. It wasn’t the Holy Father. This is no disrespect to Pope Francis, a canny former professor of psychology and philosophy. Nobody pretends that … Read more

Bill and Melinda Gates

Letter to Bill and Melinda Gates Presentation Why Fusion is the only realistic solution Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial-Fusion (PJMIF) was originally conceived in the late 1990s by Dr. Y. C. Francis Thio at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), where he initiated a R&D program in PJMIF.  After Thio joined the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office of … Read more

2015 Letter to Donald Trump

5545 El Camino Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 Tel: 916-482-2000 Cell: 916-482-2020 August 2, 2015 Mr. Donald Trump, Chairman and CEO Trump organization 725 Fifth Avenue New York City, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Trump: America must be returned to its former greatness through leadership in pursuit of a purpose demanded by countries throughout the … Read more

Energy, the Problem & the Opportunity

1 All people around the world have the same rights of Americans given by their creator to live a life unconstrained by energy availability consistent with their aspirations, values, and economic production. Yet today two thirds of the world live in “energy poverty” and over 1.5 billion people have zero electricity         … Read more