Letter to Michelle Bachmann

Via Federal Express 8757 9523 4003 December 1, 2011 Mrs. Michelle Bachmann 13505 4th Street Stillwater, MN 55082 Dear Mrs. Bachmann: Thank you for running for the office of president of the United States as a voice of the people predicated on common sense and real facts. We appreciate what you are doing for America. … Read more

HNR Energy Program Podcast

Listen to the program podcast Download the audio Download the audio This is the general outline of the program Aired on Hebrew Nation Radio December 18, 2014. There is a great deal of material covered so these notes will allow the listener to review and obtain a wealth of background material at their convenience. Note … Read more

Fusion Power; what is it, why we don’t have it, and a practical approach to making fusion energy a reality

By: Tom Tamarkin December 14, 2014 Abstract Fusion is the ultimate source of energy for human civilization in all sense of the word. Because fusion transforms mass directly to energy according to Einstein’s theory of special relativity (E=MC²,) a very small amount of fusion fuel creates a very large amount of energy. The cost of … Read more

2060 And Lights Out

2060 And Lights Out

By: Tom Tamarkin Founder Fusion4Freedom & President USCL Corp A Question and Answer Session Wolff Bachner and Tom Tamarkin 2060 And Lights Out: How Will America Survive Without Oil [Inquisitr Special Report] Imagine what your life would be like without electricity. No gasoline for your car; no oil for your furnace; no refrigeration for your … Read more


Mission FuelRFuture™ in partnership with its sponsors EnergyCite & USCL’s mission is to create a ubiquitous awareness of the value of energy, the recognition that energy obtained from fusion is the only scientifically realistic solution to man’s need for large scale, clean, inexpensive and inexhaustible energy, and the skillful management of the scientific research and … Read more

Innovative Confinement Concepts

Innovative Confinement Concepts and Alternative Fusion Approaches Between 1996 and 2000, the Fusion Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (FESAC) recommended a vigorous program in Innovative Confinement Concepts to explore several practical alternative paths to the mainline Magnetic Confinement and Inertial Confinement programs. It was never funded. After the U.S. joined the ITER program as a 9% … Read more

America’s Urgent Energy Alert, Part 3

America’s Urgent Energy Alert, Part 3

Complete index of Pat’s articles This article is the eighth of a series of eight articles on fusion power written by Tom Tamarkin and Pat Boone in their collaboration to speak to American citizens…in fact all citizens of the world…on the ill-fated history of fusion power development and the urgent need to resurrect and complete … Read more

Tamarkin/Pat Boone Fusion Series

Tamarkin/Pat Boone Fusion Series

Dr. Scott Hsu, Tom Tamarkin, & Jeremy Tamarkin flanked by two un-identified LANL project scientists, in Los Alamos National Laboratory PJMIF lab in front of experimental reactor vessel. In February 2011 Pat Boone agreed to become the “official EnergyCite®/Fusion4Freedom spokesman. Over the course of the next 2 ½ years Pat and Tom Tamarkin began collaborating … Read more