plasma jet Magneto Inertial Fusion (PJMIF)

Development of Practical Fusion Power; Plasma Jet Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion introduction by T.D. Tamarkin; scientific contributors, S. C. Hsu, Ph.D., T. J. Awe, Ph.D., S. Brockington, Ph.D., A. Case, Ph.D., J. T. Cassibry, Ph.D., G. Kagan, Ph.D., S. J. Messer, Ph.D., M. Stanic, X. Tang, Ph.D., D. R. Welch, Ph.D., and F. D. Witherspoon, Ph.D. … Read more

Proclamation to the World

Proclamation to the World

By Tom Tamarkin A Proclamation to the World – English דבר העם האמריקאי והעם הישראלי לעולם (A Proclamation to the World – Hebrew) بيان إلى العالم من الشعبين الامريكي والاسرائيلي (A Proclamation to the World – Arabic) اعلامیه جهانی توسط مردم آمریکا (A Proclamation to the World – Farsi) Proclamación al Mundo de parte de … Read more

An Opera Soprano Sings for Fusion Energy

Amalia Ishak, friend of Tom Tamarkin, is a leading Israeli soprano, who hosted Tom Tamarkin’s series of interviews and visits about developing fusion energy in Israel. Photos, left to right: Amalia Ishak watches as her mother gets an autograph from Leonard Bernstein Amalia and Leonard Bernstein Amalia and Zubin Mehta Amalia sings Mozart to a … Read more

Peace, Prosperity, Science and Spirituality

Dr. Gerald Schroeder (Ph.D. MIT nuclear physics and earth sciences) discusses the need for the development of nuclear fusion energy with Tom Tamarkin This discussion takes place overlooking the Temple Mount and Western Wall in the Old City of Jerusalem, Israel on December 9, 2012 Dr. Schroeder is known throughout the world as lecturer on … Read more

Dr. Shalom Eliezer, Rehovot, Israel

Dr. Shalom Eliezer, Rehovot, Israel

Tom Tamarkin, CEO of EnergyCite and Dr. Shalom and Yaffa Eliezer discuss nuclear fusion energy at his home in Rehovot in 2012 Dr. Eliezer is a well-known professor and lecturer on fusion science in Europe and Israel. His wife Yaffa is the author of two fiction books published both in English and Hebrew. Dr. Shalom … Read more

EnergyCite® interactive video games

EnergyCite® interactive video games

Fusion 4 Freedom Game Background Game Market & Business Overview Our first focus is on the development of a new series of interactive electronic games to run on standard game platforms, tablets, and smartphones. These games will receive digital energy information from the homeowner’s smart meter and home automation devices including “smart appliances.” They will … Read more

Steven Cowley believes fusion is the future of energy

Steven Cowley believes fusion is the future of energy

Physicist Steven Cowley is certain that nuclear fusion is the only truly sustainable solution to the fuel crisis. He explains why fusion will work — and details the projects that he and many others have devoted their lives to, working against the clock to create a new source of energy.

Tom Tamarkin and Texcon

Tom Tamarkin and Texcon

In 1980 Tom Tamarkin formed Texcon Corporation in Phoenix Arizona along with Charles Thomas and Donald Stapley of Mesa Az. In 1981 Texcon acquired the outside interests of Mr. Thomas and Stapely. Tom Tamarkin conceived of the Allegro Mentor music teaching system as developed by Texcon under Tamarkin’s leadership as President & CEO. A video … Read more



In 1976 Tom Tamarkin founded Mizar Company in Phoenix Arizona. He developed the firm’s line of discotheque and entertainment lighting control products. The company manufactured, distributed, and supported nationwide sales and service of the lighting control products. The company was engaged by one of the premier American discotheques located in Lexington KY called Johnny Angel … Read more