White House Response to the USCL letter 2002
The White House response to the letter sent by Hugh Roy Marshall for USCL (Read the original letter here) Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..
Fusion Energy, Fusion Energy Consortium
The White House response to the letter sent by Hugh Roy Marshall for USCL (Read the original letter here) Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..
A letter sent by Hugh Roy Marshall on behalf of USCL to President George W. Bush (Read President Bush’s response here) Download PDF This browser does not support PDFs. Please download the PDF to view it..
Personally Hand Delivered June 10, 2017 Washington DC June 7, 2017 The Vice President of the United States Old Executive Office Building Washington DC 20501 Dear Mr. Vice President: For the last six years I have been working on the issues of correctly solving energy for our future and to expose the false politically driven … Read more
Tom D. Tamarkin 5545 El Camino Avenue Carmichael, California 95608 916-482-2000 Ext 142 (office) 916-482-2020 (cellular) tt@usclcorp.com November 18, 2016 President-elect Donald Trump 725 Fifth Avenue New York City, New York 10022 Dear President-elect Trump: America is at a tipping point. Your election will move us back towards our roots and make America great again. … Read more
Since 2012, we have attempted to acquaint Donald Trump with the importance of continuing an aggressive scientific and technological fusion energy development program in the U.S. private sector augmented by government and university research. The following letters have been sent to Mr. Trump via personal connections and high level executives within his organization. Letter to … Read more
June 24, 2016 Mr. Warren Buffet, CEO Berkshire Hathaway Inc. 3555 Farnam Street Suite 1440 Omaha, NE 68131 Note: A digital PDF with active hypertext links of this letter is enclosed on USB drive; on-line as private document at: https://fusion4freedom.com/warrenbuffetletter/ Dear Warren: As a financially conservative and frugal Hollywood entertainer, I have … Read more
5545 El Camino Avenue Carmichael, CA 95608 Tel: 916-482-2000 Cell: 916-482-2020 https://www.fusion4freedom.com April 20, 2016 Donald Trump Campaign Headquarters 725 Fifth Avenue New York City, New York 10022 Dear Mr. Trump: America is at a tipping point. This election can move us back towards our roots and make America great again, or it will be … Read more
January 23, 2015 Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu The State of Israel 3 Kaplan St. Hakirya Jerusalem 91950 Israel Ref: Solutions Based Iran Proposal for Israel & International Community Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu: We met in California prior to your assuming office in 2009. We discussed energy, the electrical grid system in Israel, and nuclear issues … Read more
January 4, 2015 Prime Minister Binyamin NetanyahuThe State of Israel3 Kaplan St. HakiryaJerusalem 91950 IsraelRef: Proclamation to the World By American And Israeli People to Correctly Solve Energy Through Fusion Power Development Dear Prime Minister Netanyahu: We met in California with Mr. Dan Senor, author of “Start-up Nation; The Story of Israel”s Economic Miracle,” prior … Read more
Tom D. Tamarkin Via Federal Express 8703 3641 0775 November 7, 2011 Mr. Herman Cain 223 Montross Drive Mcdonough, GA 30253 Dear Mr. Cain: Thank you for running for the office of president of the United States as a voice of the people predicated on common sense and real facts. We appreciate what you are … Read more